Acting Videos

Enjoy these 5 Acting videos we've curated for you, helping to answer the Acting questions you have.

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Actors discuss Part 1: Stanislavski's method of physical actions

Aspiring actors are going to get familiar with Stanislavski pretty quick. The man is generally considered one of the greatest acting gurus of all time and the father of the "method" technique that you hear so much about. Learning to interact in your physical space is integral in learning how to act.

Michael Caine Teaches Film Acting

Everyone knows Michael Caine as a legend in the acting world. Here he gives a lesson that all actors should take to heart.

Stella Adler: Awake and Dream

Mrs. Adler is an acting guru who has innovated generations of talent. Follow along as she takes a deep look into what acting "is". She is particularly celebrated for her novel "The Art of Acting".

James Lipton gives advice for careers in Hollywood

James Lipton, host of "Inside the Actors Studio", is generally considered one of the brightest minds in the industry. He takes you in close and explains what exactly a career in Hollywood can entail.

Interview with Casting Director Bonnie Gillespie

To every actor in the world, Casting Directors are the most important folks you will ever meet. Knowing what they want and expect out of you could be the key to unlocking a promising career.

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Lynda Moultry